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Overview of Appraisals

Your jewelry appraisal is a Multi-Paged Document professionally prepared to the highest standards of NAJA and GIA.

At Fine Jewelry Appraisals your appraisal is produced according to the demanding standards the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA).

Our Appraisal Reports help establish an item's value for a variety of purposes including Insurance, Estate, Divorced Property, Forced Sale, Non-forced Sale, Private Sale, Equitable Distribution and more.

We work by appointment and in most cases the appraisal is completed, within 2 Working Days of your appointment. Each piece of jewelry is weighed, measured, and described in detail.

  • Gemstones are identified, graded, measured, and their weights calculated.
  • Metal content is determined.
  • All diamonds are described with weight, shape, color, clarity. For diamonds significant to the piece or over 1 carat, the internal characteristics of the diamond are diagrammed (plotted) and additional details regarding proportions are recorded.
  • Colored gemstones are identified and described with weight, shape, color, clarity with further details when appropriate.
  • Pearls are identified, graded and measured.
  • Your appraisal includes digital color photos, of the jewelry, printed right in the report.
  • Micro-Photographs (photos through the microscope) maybe taken if needed to record unique or informative characteristic of your jewelry.
  • Your appraisal includes an explanation of the grading systems used.


Please feel free to e-mail; Fine Jewelry Appraisals, if you have any questions.

Appraisals While You Watch

During your visit

The amount of time you will be in our office depends on the complexity and type of Appraisal being performed.  Typically, allow 30 to 45 minutes per piece of jewelry.

  • First is the initial Examination of the piece of jewelry.
  • A comprehensive written description is developed.
  • All necessary tests will be performed to identify the metal, gemstones or other materials in the jewelry.
  • Notations and copies made of any previous documents, appraisals or provenances
  • You will have the opportunity to view any Unique or Identifying characteristics in your gemstones.
  • After all of the data has been collected and photos taken you leave with your jewelry having never left you sight.
  • In approximately 2 Working Days your Appraisal Report will be ready to mail or for your pick-up.
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